Screens Sunday December 8th at 5:30pm BalboaTheater San Francisco
Review by by John Seal
original article
Just as good is writer-director Mike Hayhurst’s And Through the Portal We Go, a Groundhog Day-style comedy about three members of a new age cult desperately trying to transcend to the next level via the titular glowing gateway. Unfortunately, the threesome (brilliantly depicted by Sarah Goeke, Joseph Lymous, and Taylor Dalton Curtis in hideous matching sweaters) find themselves stuck in a loop, as the portal takes them back to the start of their ‘final day’ over and over again.
Their journeys back and forth continue, and tempers begin to fray as the trio suspect each other of making subtle mistakes that are setting back their spiritual pilgrimage. The coffee was made incorrectly! The finger sandwiches should have been cut into squares, not triangles! That spot on the living room table needs a more thorough cleaning!
One generally doesn’t associate AHITH with subtle comedy, but And Through the Portal We Go is the proverbial exception that proves the rule. It’s very, very funny and (along with Head Like a Hole) a festival highlight.