Coming from Another Hole in the Head's Warped Dimension is a new podcast episode of the KID GLOVE KILLER HOUR with Benji Carver---This week Benji hangs out with Matthew Paul Martinez, Bruno Doria, and Lizzie Guitreau, the cast & crew of WorkLight Pictures, the filmmakers of the awarding winning feature film EASY DOES IT! and short film, "MAMA's Lil' Bus Driver".
Surfs UP!
Plus around the 14 minute mark, a special sneak preview of the next adventure of the continuing Mama's saga with Matthew Martinez's Mama's Lil Orphanage!
Highlighting the awarding winning feature film of 2020---

Thanks for watching the KID GLOVE KILLER HOUR---If you dig what I'm doing here in the Warped Dimension---
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Stay Warped