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Day 4 - Mr. HoleHead's Warped Dimension September 27th 9am-9pm(PST) $10 All Day!

All-Day 4 Pass INCLUDES all the films listed below


Only $10 - Watch as much as you like! Come and go as you please, from 9AM Pacific Time until the last show of the night closes! Use the Poll button to rate the films for our Audience Awards--the films with the most points win! Participate in Live Q&A with the filmmakers, and chat with the rest of the audience via the chat box (text only; audience mics & cameras are disabled during the show). 9:00 AM: MYTH AND MAGIC (81 min) A special collection of Fantasy short films, followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. Brazen - Demon Huntress Witcher - Mines of Eeclor Alder The Witch Hunters Are Coming Out of the Box DEERLY BELOVED Devil Snail Prometheus Lives Victim of the Beast belle fatale 11:00 AM: (PST) ASSORTED FLAVORS 3 (76 min) A special collection of NSFW short films, followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. A wreck in paradise The Burned Man Framed BOB

Make A Wish Shhh The Thin Orange Line TMARAMRLT Scribbler 1:00 PM: (PST) DOUBLE FEATURETTE (73 min) A pair of longer-than-average short films, followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. Sirius Lee: The Problematic Time Transplant Am I See You? 3:00 PM: (PST) THE BOLD, THE BEAUTIFUL, & THE BIZARRE (70 min) A special collection of Art and Experimental short films. Followed by Live Q&A with the filmmakers D A Y D R E A M fireworks Landstrength A Way Of Seeing Lost Lula Twilight Lairs The Recognition Reception Shelter-in-place Metamorphopsia 5:00 PM (PST) DARK RAINBOW (77 min) A special collection of LGBT+ themed Horror, Fantasy, and Science Ficiton short films. Followed by Live Q&A with the filmmakers My Boyfriend The Boogeyman Something Round The Song Of Her Kiko's Saints AMOR SANGUE DOR 7:00 PM (PST) Willie, Jamaley & The Cacacoon (USA - 2020 - 71 min) Followed by live Q&A with the filmmakers 9:00 PM (PST)



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