George, Romany, and Benji would like to thank all of the filmmakers and audience members who ventured into the Warped Dimension to partake of its unique sights & sounds; to share their insights, their humor, and their all-around good company with us and with one another. Special thanks go out to Matt Abaya for his invaluable assistance in keeping the show running smoothly, to Jeff Ross of SF IndieFest for his tactical support, to Bob Pearce of KillerBob Graphics for all the amazing Art, and last but not least, to Angela Brown for once again allowing George to transform their home into the throbbing nerve-center of the Warped Dimension.
Audience Awards
Top Feature
The Marshmallow Mystery Tour
Top Short Film (tied)
The Gray
Best US Feature Film
Zero Budget Heroes:
The Legend of Chris Seaver & Low Budget Pictures
Best US Short Film
Best Foreign Film
Whistle and I Will Come
Best Animated Film
Jason Pell’s Pinpricks
Best Art/Experimental Film
The Sword That Waits
Best Comedy Feature Film
Artists in Agony:
Hitmen at the Coda Teahouse
Best Comedy Short Film
Vampire Bud:
Night of the Living Bud
Best Fantasy Film
The Larvae
Best Horror Film
Best Music Video
Lunatic Asylum Blues
Best Slasher/Splatter Film
Hellswine 2
Staff Awards
Staff Favorite Film
An Introduction to the Theory of Eclipses
Top Trailer
Jason Pell’s Pinpricks