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On behalf of George, Romany, and Benji, Mr. HoleHead would like to thank all of the filmmakers and audience members who ventured into the Warped Dimension to partake of its unique sights & sounds; to share their insights, their humor, and their all-around good company with us and with one another. Special thanks go out to Matt Abaya for his invaluable assistance in keeping the show running smoothly, to Thom DeMicco of Troma for his coordinating and facilitating skills, to Jeff Ross of SF IndieFest for all of his tactical support, to Bob Pearce of KillerBob Graphics for all the amazing Art, and last but not least, to Angela Brown for allowing George to transform their home into the throbbing nerve-center of the Warped Dimension for six whole days.



Audience Awards:


Best Action/Adventure Feature: Willie, Jamaley, and the Cacacoon

Best Action/Adventure Short: Lost Treasure of the Valley

Best Animation Film: Malakout

Best Art/Experimental Feature: Flesh City

Best Art/Experimental Short: Lost Lula

Best Documentary Film: VHS Massacre Too

Best Fan Film: DROIDS

Best Fantasy Film: A wreck in paradise

Best Horror Feature: Backwoods

Best Horror Short: Mashed Potato Face

Best Music Video: Don't Die

Best Science Fiction Feature: The Hill and the Hole

Best Science Fiction Short: Sirius Lee: The Problematic Time Transplant

Best Thriller Feature: Stray Dogs

Best Thriller Short: Am I See You?


Best Warped Comedy Short: MEAT IS MURDER!



Staff Awards:


Best Trailer: Am I See You?

Staff Favorite Feature: Re-Elected

Staff Favorite Short: Mama's Lil Bus Driver



Award Laurels will be emailed over the next 24 hours.

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