Heading into its second weekend, the 19th annual Another Hole in the Head Film Festival is set to bring a selection of new Horror, Science Fiction, and other Genre fare to the Grand Re-opening of the 4 Star Theatre in San Francisco. The weekend begins at 7 pm December 9th, with the US Premiere of The Curse, a lost film from Brazilian Horror icon Jose Mojica Marins, aka "Coffin Joe"; it closes out at 9 pm December 11th, with the long-awaited and highly anticipated anthology, The Profane Exhibit. Filmmakers will be in attendance for many of the programs.
The live portion of the festival will then move to Stage Werks Theatre December 14th and 15th for a stage performance of The Twilight Zone parody show, and to Zoom for more film screenings (TBA).
The Curse (A Praga) "Coffin Joe's" lost feature! Mojica’s Last Curse (a short documentary) 7 pm, Friday December 9th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info
Bundy Manor Horror/Slasher feature 9 pm, Friday December 9th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info
Strictly Local 1 Local film collection Filmmakers in attendance! 3 pm, Saturday, December 10th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info Strictly Local 2 Local film collection Filmmakers in attendance! 5 pm, Saturday, December 10th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info Guiltless Thriller/Suspense/Horror feature 7 pm, Saturday, December 10th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info Dont Fuck In The Woods 2 Comedy/Slasher/Horror feature 9 pm, Saturday, December 10th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info Strictly Local 3 Local film collection 3 pm, Sunday, December 11th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info
Strictly Local 4 Local film collection 5 pm, Sunday, December 11th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info Regicide Thriller/Science Fiction/Horror feature 7 pm, Sunday, December 11th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info
The Profane Exhibit Thriller/Body Horror/Slasher feature 9 pm, Sunday, December 11th 4 Star Theatre Tickets and Info