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TODAY SEPT 28TH Day 5 - Mr. HoleHead's Warped Dimension FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE 5P-9P(PST)

Day 5 - Mr. HoleHead's Warped Dimension - All-Day 5 Pass INCLUDES all the films listed below


Only $10 - Watch as much as you like! Come and go as you please, from 5 PM Pacific Time until the last show of the night closes! Use the Poll button to rate the films for our Audience Awards--the films with the most points win! Participate in Live Q&A with the filmmakers, and chat with the rest of the audience via the chat box (text only; audience mics & cameras are disabled during the show). 5:00 PM (PST) BENJI’S COSMIC FINDS II (72 min) A special collection of short films curated by our MC, Benji Carver. Followed by Live Q&A with the filmmakers Mama’s Lil Bus Driver The Elvis Room Creatures of the Wind Sticky Note Love Story Los Ausentes 7:00 PM (PST) Blackmail (ASMR) (USA - 2019 - 68 min) 9:00 PM (PST) Troma's Mutant Blast (USA - 2018 - 84 min)



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